J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Kita-Kyushu
We will hold a mini-workshop with a special session on “Development of new materials and exotic properties in 5d electron systems”
- Dates and time:From 13:30, June 7, 2019 to 16:00, June 8
- Venue: MILAiS, Tobata Campus, Kyushu Institute of Technology
http://www.kyutech.ac.jp/english/about/map/tobata.html - Registration Fee: Free
- Get Together:
Date and time: 18:00, June 7, 2019
Fee: 4,000 Yen (Tentative) - Registration:
Please send the following information to J-Physics Secretary via e-mail: secretary_at_jphysics.jp
(Please replace “_at_” with “@”.)
Deadline: 17 May, 2019
Subject:【Registration】J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Kita-Kyushu(Please copy to the mail subject. )
Title (Prof, Dr, MC etc):
Participation to Get Together: Yes or No
Presentation Preference:Oral, Poster, or No Presentation
Title of your Talk:
Request: - Contact:
M. Nohara, Okayama University:nohara_at_science.okayama-u.ac.jp
K. Matsuhira, Kyutech:matuhira_at_elcs.kyutech.ac.jp