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Workshop, Symposium

in preparation.

Completed Events

International acting workshop on UTe2, ferromagnetic superconductivity and topological phenomena

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the recent progress on the novel spin-triplet superconductor UTe2, ferromagnetic superconductors and the topological phenomena. The workshop is hosted by J-Physics, CEA and ICC-IMR.

J-Physics Annual Meeting FY2019

Annual meeting will be held for the purpose of summarizing the activities of the J-Physics project (FY2015 ? FY2019). Poster presentations by non-project participants will be encouraged. Travel support will be considered depending on request. We would highly appreciate your participation.

J-Physics 2019 International Conference & KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics

  • Date:
    Sep. 17, 13:00 - Sep. 18, 12:00 (KINKEN-WAKATE 2019, Tutorial session)
    Sep. 18, 13:00 - Sep. 21, 13:00 (J-Physics 2019, International Conference)
  • Venue:
    Centennial Hall (Rokko Hall), Kobe University Rokkodai 1-1, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
    (Building No. 102)
  • Registration Fee: Free
  • Get together: Sep. 17, 18:00 -
  • Banquet: Sep. 20, 19:00 - (6,000 JPY)
  • Important Dates:
    July 25 Registration deadline (Extended from July 15.)
    Aug. 15 Abstract submission deadline
    Sep. 20 Proceedings submission deadline

The aim of the conference (J-Physics 2019) and the tutorial session (KINKEN-WAKATE 2019), hosted by the scientific project "J-Physics: Physics of Conductive Multipole Systems" and IMR, is to provide a platform for discussion and information exchange on the current experimental and theoretical research related to the multipole physics. The topics includes multipole order, quantum phase transition and criticality, unconventional superconductivity, parity mixing and the novel quantum phenomena, dynamical response by augmented multipole, development of new materials based on the strong spin-orbit coupling. This conference is a satellite of SCES2019.

J-Physics ‘Monodukuri’ series No.4 “Training course on symmetry and group theory in Koyasan”

We will hold the training course on symmetry and group theory as part of a program of J-Physics ‘Monodukuri’ School, lectured by Prof. NESPOLO Massimo, Université de Lorraine, France. The lectures will be given in Japanese. The participants will be limited to those who can attend the entire course, and the capacity will be 50 people. We encourage you to acquire a systematic and deeper understanding on the symmetry and group theory, and build a foundation for your research on condensed matter physics.

  • Date: August 5, 2019, 9:30 - August 9, 2019, 17:00
  • Venue: Koyasan University and Tentokuin Temple
    (Koyasan 385, Koya-cho 648-0280, Ina-gun, Wakayama)
    Koyasan University:
    Tentokuin Temple:
  • Lecturer:
    Prof. NESPOLO Massimo
    Université de Lorraine, France
  • Language: Japanese
  • Fee: free

J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Sapporo

We have a mini-workshop in Sapporo with a special session on “Cross-correlation responses in magnetic metals.”

  • Date: July 22, 2019, 10:00 - July 23, 2019, 15:00 (tentative)
  • Venue: Room N-308, Main Brd., Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
    (The 3rd floor of Hokkaido University Museum)
  • Registration fee: free

J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Osaka

We will have a mini-workshop in Osaka with a special session on “Unconventional superconductivity”.

J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Hongo

We will have a mini-workshop in Hongo with special sessions on “Cluster multipoles”, and “1-2-20 systems”.

J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Sendai

We have a mini-workshop in Sendai. The purpose is to discuss the recent topics related to J-Physics project with a wide view by researchers in Sendai. Many participants in all area not only from Sendai are welcomed. We will have a special session on “Novel heavy fermion superconductivity in UTe2

J-Physics Mini-Workshop in Kita-Kyushu

We will hold a mini-workshop with a special session on “Development of new materials and exotic properties in 5d electron systems”

J-Physics Topical Meeting “Progress and Future Prospects of Research on Augmented Multipoles and Related Phenomena”

J-Physics: Tropical Topical Meeting

  • Date: December 13 (Thu.) 13:30 〜 December 14 (Fri.) 18:00
  • Venue: 50th Anniversary Memorial Hal, University of the Ryukyus
    (1 Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa, Japan)
  • Participation Fee: Free
  • Deadlines:
    Presentation (Poster only): Saturday, November 24
    Banquet: Friday, November 2
    Participation: Saturday, November 24
    ※Due to the available seats and poster boards, the number of participants and presentation is limited. Earlier registration is strongly recommended.
    ※Poster session is scheduled on Friday, December 14, from 16:15 to 17:45.
  • Abstract: unrequired
  • Banquet:Friday, December 14, 19:00 〜 (planned)
    Place: Around Omoromachi Station in Naha (TBD)
    Fee: JPY 〜 4,500
  • Registration: Download the registration form (a word file) on the web page of More Info., fill it and send it to (please replace _@_ with @).
  • Contact:
    Shinsaku Kambe (JAEA):
    Mamoru Yogi (Univ. of the Ryukyus):
    (please replace _@_ with @)

International Workshop on j-fermion Physics and Materials

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the recent progress in quantum materials with the emphasis on multipoles and topology. In such materials, j-fermions emerge due to strong spin-orbit coupling, and novel phenomena, such as superconducting pairing between j = 3/2 fermions, can occur. This workshop will bring together scientist exploring the novel phenomena in new materials to share the latest idea and to fertilize new research directions. The main topics are exotic superconductivity, novel multipolar ordering, quantum spin liquid, emergent j-fermions, and related phenomena, but broad experimental and theoretical presentations related to quantum materials are also welcomed. The workshop consists of invited and contributed talks.

  • Dates: December 4 (Tue.) 9:00 ~ December 6 (Thu.) 16:00, 2018
  • Venue: Otago Business School, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
    (Union St E, North Dunedin, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand)
  • Important dates:
    Mon. October 15, 2018: Registration Deadline
    Mon. November 5, 2018: Abstract Deadline

J-Physics Topical Meeting, ‘Monodukuri’ Series No. 3 “Forefront of Materials Search”

Frustration, Orbital Fluctuations, and Topology in Kondo Lattices and their relatives

In recent years, the study of strongly correlated electron systems has been enriched by the addition of new ingredients such as multipolar physics from orbital fluctuations, magnetic frustration, and spin-orbit coupling. This program will bring together scientists exploring the new states of matter and phenomenology that emerge in these systems, to share expertise and fertilize new research directions.

J-Physics 2018: Summer School & International Workshop on New Materials and Crystal Growth

The aim of these successive academic meetings is to discuss the recent progress on the physics of multipole conductive systems in f- and d-electron compounds. In the workshop, the main topics are crystal growth and new materials to open up the frontiers of research area. The summer school focuses on more broad and tutorial topics which cover experimental and theoretical aspects given by distinguished lecturers.

  • Dates: June 24 (Sun.) 〜 June 27 (Wed.), 2018 (Summer School)
    June 27 (Wed.) 〜 June 30 (Sat.) noon, 2018 (International Workshop)
  • Venue: Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center
    (1 Yumebutai, Awaji, Hyogo 656-2306, Japan)
  • Important dates
    Wed. May 30, 2018: Registration Deadline
    Wed. June 13, 2018: Workshop Abstract Deadline

J-Physics Annual Meeting FY2018

Kickoff meeting for the latter half activity of the J-Physics project (FY2015 〜 FY2019) will be held. Poster presentations by non-project participants will be encouraged. We would highly appreciate your participation.

International Workshop “Novel Phenomena in Quantum Materials driven by Multipoles and Topology” will be held under co-sponsorship of J-Physics.

In recent years, the study of quantum materials, in particular of strongly correlated electron systems, have been enriched by the introduction of new physics based on multipoles and topology. The workshop will bring together scientists exploring the novel phenomena in new materials, and novel functionality by using spintronics and photonics, to share the latest knowledge and to fertilize new research directions

J-Physics Annual Meeting FY2017

  • Dates: March 15 (Thu) 13:00 〜 March 17 (Sat) 16:30, 2018
  • Venue: 6F Large Lecture Room, Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo
    (5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba)

Achievements obtained through the first half of the J-Physics project will be reviewed, and prospects for the activities in the latter half term will be discussed. Poster presentations by non-project participants will be encouraged. We would highly appreciate your participation.

J-Physics Topical Meeting “How to Create? ― Chiral Magnets and Augmented Multipoles”

  • Dates: January 15 (Mon.) 13:00 〜 January 17 (Wed.) 12:00, 2018
  • 場所:Venue:Awaji Yumebutai, International Conference Center, Room 405
    Yumebutai 1, Awaji City, Hyogo 656-2306 Japan

J-Physics Topical Meeting “Exotic Phenomena in Itinerant Multipole Systems”

The 11th Condensed-Matter-Science Cross-Area Workshop

  • Dates: November 17 (Fri.) 〜 18 (Sat), 2017
  • Venue: The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, 6F, Meeting Room
    5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581 Japan
  • Capacity: 250
  • Registration Fee: Free
  • Deadline:
    Presentation: October 20, 2017 (Fri.) 12:00 AM
    Participation only: November 6, 2017 12:00 AM
    (Onsite registrations will be accepted, if there are still seats available.)
  • Please refer to the following URL for more information:

J-Physics 2017: International Workshop on Multipole Physics and Related Phenomena

The J-Physics project will host the 1st International Workshop on the Multipole Physics and Related Phenomena in September 2017 at the stage near the halfway point of the project. This workshop aims at presenting the outcomes of research activities of this Innovative Area both in and outside Japan, and expanding the international exchange and cooperation activities. We look forward to your active participation and presentation.

J-Physics Topical Meeting “Progress and Perspective of Studies of Augmented Multipole”

J-Physics Topical Meeting “Superconductivity in strongly correlated multipole systems: Exploring common feature between f and d” is held at Tohoku University, Sendai, on May 11 and 12.

J-Physics Topical Meeting “New phenomena generated by correlation effects between localized multipoles and conduction electrons” is held at ISSP, The University of Tokyo on April 17 and 18.

The 10th Condensed-Matter-Science Cross-Area Workshop

The J-Physics Summer School for Young Researchers

The J-Physics Summer School for Young Researchers aims to be a unique platform for young researchers to learn and exchange the most recent advancement of J-Physics. Lectures include “Introduction to Multipole” and “Frontier of Strongly Correlated Electrons” for instance, which will be given by spirited young researchers. We asked senior professors to give a lecture of selected topics with a message to young researchers. All participants will stay at Tentokuin Temple in Mount Koya, where UNESCO designated as World Heritage Site in 2004. We look forward to having the pleasure welcoming you to the J-Physics Summer School.

J-Physics Theory Workshop

June 4 (Sat.) 13:30 〜 June 5 (Sun), 2016
Liberty Tower, Surugadai Campus, Meiji University

J-Physics Annual Meeting 2016

Dates: May 26 (Thu) 13:00 - May 28 (Sat) 15:40, 2016
Venue: Frontier Research in Applied Sciences Building (N13W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo)
